The Griffy Woods micrometeorological station has been collecting data since Fall 2007. Air and soil temperature, net radiation, wind speed, relative humidity, and other readings acquired from the station are critical components for such things as the calculation of local energy budgets used in modeling of plant growth conditions. The continuous collection of dynamic measurements is important to multiple studies at the IU RTP. For current measurements, please contact the Indiana Geological & Water Survey. For archived data, please contact us at .
Griffy Woods meteorological station

Griffy Creek weir
he broad-crested weir is located in Sycamore Valley on the south fork of Griffy Creek. It facilitates the measurement of discharge by knowing the height of the water above the weir. The water height is measured and recorded using a pressure transducer and data logger. The weir will handle a maximum of 235 cubic feet/second (cfs) of water before the water flows around the flood plain. For current measurements, please contact the Indiana Geological Survey. For archived data, please contact us at .

University Lake monitoring station
Dr. Spencer Hall (IU Department of Biology) installed real-time meteorological and thermal monitoring instrumentation on University Lake to gather data for his research. Lake temperatures from the surface to 8 meters below the surface are displayed. Dissolved oxygen amounts and other data are also displayed. Professor Hall removes his monitoring station during the winter months. For more information, contact Dr. Hall at .